Key Considerations When Selecting Association Management Software

Key Considerations When Selecting Association Management Software

Association Management Software (AMS) has become a necessity for today's member-based entity's. As customer expectations grow so too does the scope of service associations must provide. To ensure you can appropriately manage your increasing scope of service, it's integral that you select the ideal AMS solution. Today's article covers the questions you must ask yourself before selecting the AMS software you'd like to implement...

To select the ideal AMS software for your organization, you should first complete an audit of your day-to-day processes to ensure you can integrate as many of them into a single solution as possible. Some key questions to ask yourself include:


Member Communications

  • Do communications need to be segmented by member classification, demographic, or profile?
  • Do members require an online space for social interaction with one another?
  • How efficient is my current process of sending e-newsletters?

Property Management

  • Is your association part of a homeowners association?
  • Do you require HOA software?
  • Do you need to manage community by-laws, ownership history and dues for properties?

Member Management

  • What privileges and services do members receive?
  • Do privileges and services vary by membership classification?
  • What kind of amenities do I offer my membership?

Event Management

  • Does your association manage a banquet hall/event space?
  • Do different membership types have different registration and cost structures for attending events?
  • How do members currently register and pay for events? How efficient is our current event registration process?

Activity Management

  • Do you need to check-in guests as they arrive to attend activities or events?
  • Do we have recreational facilities such as golf or tennis courts, swimming pools, equestrian activities, etc.?
  • Do you require activity tracking software?

Retail Management

  • Does my association sell retail items?
  • Do we offer discounts based on membership classification?


This list is not exhaustive, ensure that you consider any additional business processes which may be applicable and include them in your assessment.

Interested in learning about Total e Integrated's Association Management Software?


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