Seize the Day with Your Morning Routine!
Although I am not a good golfer, I have always admired those players who take a methodical approach to the game and to each individual shot. They stick to their routine whether they are in the middle of the fairway or in a hazard; it is the consistency in all circumstances that brings them continued success.
I like to take that same approach and transcend those concepts into business and decision making. The key is to build a routine that gives you confidence to seize the day instead of just reacting to the challenges that arise. From a financial reporting standpoint, we want to strive to create a morning routine of information you need to see first thing. This information will not only give you insight into what transpired yesterday before but will allow you to strategize on how to proceed with the day ahead; remember yesterday is in the books, you can't change it, but perhaps you can learn something from yesterday to improve today.
So what do you want your routine to look like; visualize that first fifteen minutes in your office after you arrive, fresh coffee in hand. As you log onto your computer and begin with some analysis in your club accounting software from the prior day, what would you like to learn?
- Total rounds played yesterday.
- Discounted rounds played yesterday
- Total revenue per round yesterday
- How many rounds on tee sheet today
- Current cash position
- Payables due this week
Sure that information is contained in your club accounting software somewhere (or will be by the end of the month) but how easily can you retrieve it; do you have to wait on someone else to get that data for you or can you access all of that before that first cup of coffee is completed.
At Total e Integrated our passion is to deliver a fully integrated accounting system that helps operate your club management business, but we also understand that in today's environment, you need access to the data in a quick and concise manner. Let us help you develop a routine of financial data that will launch your day instead of bog it down with just numbers and pages or reports.
As the professional golfer prepares to address the ball for the next shot, the caddy gives data regarding distance, wind direction and hole location then steps away with a word of encouragement. With this in mind, the golfer then executes his shot. Let us at Total e Integrated provide you with the financial information that will help launch you into your day, all in the first fifteen minutes.
Let us know what kind of information you would like to have at your fingertips and let us help you with a solution to get that delivered. Then go for that second cup of coffee and put your daily action plan into affect. Make your morning routine the first step in seizing your day.