Women’s Golf Day Ideas
According to the National Golf Foundation, the number of female golfers (adult and junior) rose by approximately 500,000 in 2021. Additionally, 25% of on-course golfers are women. Females represent a disproportionately higher percentage of juniors (37%) and off-course participants (50%) than they do in the overall golf population.
With Women’s Golf Day upon us, it’s a great reminder of our opportunity to grow the game in this positively trending demographic. There is considerable evidence supporting an increased focus on the off-course golf programming and experience, as data suggests that participation in this segment of the game is quite popular among women.
Here are a few ideas for both on-course and off-course programming
On-Course Ideas:
One of the most significant issues facing women at the club is the lack of steady, compatible playing partners. This continues to be a big issue, as unlike men, women are unlikely to arrive at the course interested in being paired with strangers that they don’t know. Women’s Golf Day is a great opportunity to organize and arrange pairings, or have a “step-back” event. In this event, a lady from each foursome would return to the tee after playing a hole and join a new threesome. That lady could then replay the hole with the new group and take the better of her two scores on that hole.
Women’s Member Guest
Women’s Golf Day is a great opportunity to entice your female members to bring a friend to play the game. Further reduce the barriers by offering complimentary rental sets to their guests, eliminating a potential cost barrier.
Raffle and Competitive Prizes
While there are undoubtedly many serious and very accomplished players at your club, there are also a large percentage (perhaps even a majority) of ladies that are there simply for the outdoor recreation and social atmosphere of playing the game. If you are having a women’s event, add prizes that are both competitive and raffle-oriented, allowing everyone an opportunity to win and have a fun and entertaining experience during and after their round.
Off-Course Ideas:
Women’s Range Day
Open your range to an event on Women’s Golf Day that includes free range balls, lessons and tips from your instructional team, music and signature cocktails, ladies’ apparel and merchandise, and use a launch monitor to hold a longest drive contest.
Putting Under the Stars
There’s no reason why Women’s Golf Day can’t include a customized putting course and some special lighting. Data suggests women are very interested in attending evening off-course events, and if you’re interested in raising the bar, I’ve even seen glow balls, glow putting cups, and glow necklaces and accessories used to create a very fun and entertaining atmosphere.